
 sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2019


1998 - Papi Waldir (in the middle - Excel Tables Programmer and Logistic Manager, Maintainance Area =, sister Thamires (curly hair, currently married, mother of a beautiful girl. She works with finances) and me, Thais (white hand made crochê blouse - Brazilians want to teach you the crochê and the fuxico for you to do your crafts)

This is my family and my apartment when I was 15. 
My friends laughed at me when I went to the USA because we were poor.
My father worked with the manufacture, maintainance and administration of logistiscs of Billboards around São Paulo, Campinas and Rio de Janeiro, so he had savings, though we lived in the suburbs.
Everybody at school wondered why I was going to the USA, if we were trying to hide something wrong that I - or my family - did.
When I got there, even some of those "jokers" from Brazil were there, in the same city as I was, accusing me of commiting fellonies which I had suffered myself by those same people when I was younger.
It was a tough year, specially for my father, who had to pay for the parties that I used to go, which a bitch from Brazil put on my family's tab.
I learned a lot, my English improved to fluent accuracy, even though I never had the money to take accuracy tests in Brazil, and my father, having to handle with my new partying habits, never had the chance to invest on my education as he'd wish and allow me a complete degree.

Tomorrow I will post my mom's picture and the photo of the day I departed to the USA. Johnnes, my first little boyfriend, from the past, took that picture....Ooooooops! Hope  that João, my husband ain't mad because I still remember that boy and that day. It was an important day for me, though. And truly, I hope that this boyfriend is okay, and that he has been reading my blog. I hope he can speak English well and that he can enjoy my articles.

By the way, this is João....Oh Gosh! How lovely each wrinkle! I am his wife, lover and certified caregiver

                                              He takes care of me too. Just as if I was a baby

and this is ME, baby girl! Not a mother yet.


Daddy 1982

With time, we learn to look back and understand the sacrifices our parents have done for us. And we understand the reason of their mistakes, the motives of their failures, and even when they hurt our feelings. I think such a true love, the love of a parent and child - two way road - because it teaches us how to understand anything wrong anyone else might do to you. The way they understand our choices and always forgive us along the path we run, it is a school for us to forgive and understand others. My parents have always been supportive. Tomorrow I will introduce you to my mom. She has hurt my feelings sometimes, but she has her own reasons. I think she knows what I truly want, in my heart, because she knows my whole story, every single detail, even though so much has happened, she never forgot what made sense to me. She is actually always protecting me from getting the wrong direction. She used to believed she would prepare someone to be my love, but the other side of her thought that the man who accepted to be prepared by her wouldn't be the right one for me. So, second option. Truly, because she knew who I was even before I came into being. But this is about my father, and I hope his wife Jane isn't upset because I mentioned mom here. Since 1982, it has been a long distance. And the picture above, 1983, long run too. Wanna know how we look now? Happier than ever, of course! We feel safe in the freedom God has allowed us.....I think!


This is Thor: (he asked us not to mind because that day he didn't brush)

he was!

If Thor was barking, Lycca was sleeping......

And this is family...

Ok asked, I found a picture of her on the web.

This is my mom, Elaine.....we really look alike, uhn! But she is not all it seems, she can make you confused. I think this behavior can be a type of a drug, and people seem to luuuuuuuuv that. I think she got tired of sharing restrictions, which are necessary to raise a family with kids, and decided to enjoy her own know, Aquarius horoscope.....One day, she will need someone and I hope she won't take it for granted.

                                                                       F#               D
A Estrela da Manhã
Veio Trazer um Recado
                                                                   F#                    D
De acordo com o Novo Tempo
                                                                  G                       D
Há um novo Calendário.
                                                                    E                    D
Abra o Evangelho,
                                                                        A               D
Leia o Diário
                                                                       A         D       G
É a vida de Jesus
                                                          G                        A                E  
Virando a Página da Era de Aquário....

                                                                         D              G
Quando o Sol 
                                                                   A                      D
Nasce no Horizonte
                                                                   G           A           D
É uma nova chance.

Mom and I at "Children's Little Town" SBC, 1986

and this mom....ain't she gorgeous? She is a song. She is so happy, because she is pretty and such Ms Congeniality. It feels good to talk to her. But mostly like this. We don't connect much, as you may avail.

Tomorrow, I will send you the pictures of my departure onto a journey to North America.

I love you Brasil. We will be okay, specially when the idle homes are expropriated, or bought back by the government and sold at extremally low prices, to people registered at the Movimento Sem-Teto, driving away the civil construction "money laundry", because those homes are never ready, and people invade them before they are through; people have to overpay for the construction. The expropriation is called Mortgage by the US Government, let's research? (Funny, my best friend in the USA was called Andrew Mortenson and his nickname was Mort. His sister accuses me 20 years after my return to Brazil - through attacking us with the Blondies' Gang -  of taking a picture of her family. She says that was intrusive. Do you get that? Mort had a garage band - Mortgage! Há! In Brazil, Mortgage is called "Hipoteca", hipoteticamente falando....I think this whole exchange program was a prank, specially because the Pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church who'd Baptized me calls Pastor Skip Lane. MY PROJECT for Social Studies was  - presenting the "Skip Lane" road system of  São Paulo's Mayor Celso Pitta, as an option for North Korean's restriction with the amount of gas they could have access in the stock market:
They've read the whole project in front of me, and awarded a Japanese student for that, because they said that North Korea was in Asia, and so was Japan. Mercosur lost money too. I didn't represent anything, but studies in the USA are taken seriously. The game was a set, but they cheated. And North Korea suffered, because the Japanese girl had no idea of whom Celso Pitta was, but they said: "oh, ok, you'll research". Plus, they called me a liar, for having stolen her project. They didn't even care, if there was investment involved. I was a party girl, and HER, the Japanese girl, could award THEM - Seattle/Google (I was placed in Washington State), with the Apple/Macinstosh's Stocks, because North Korea - allied to Asian Tiger - liked Celso Pitta's and Maluf's project. Yes, indeed. North Korea are Communists and they spend days and nights reading blogs to provide their community with updated education without the HI-tech, and - let me remind you, they study overnights without even a BANANA or a sip of  fresh GREEN TEA to drink. Is that fair with any of us? I am angry indeed, but I am angry and articulated because I am sobber. Ms Obama, your voice has been heard. But think about the Albanians, Macedonians and Africa Unite, who depend upon the denuclearization of North Korea, which is the counterbalance of the steel and aluminum production in the world, Brazil inclusive. MR DONALD TRUMP IS THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD CAPABLE OF SUCH MANEUVER, because he has started the  negotiation, and it is doing well, it IS on the table.
At the time when I lost my project, Democrats were in power by the way. 1999, I remember. By the way the Democrats are very racist. The people I mean. The people who loved the Obamas most were the Republicans. I am talking about love, not about support. But again, you have are the one to tell me, right? Why don't you drop by my blog and leave a sincere note?


When we turn 30, family means scar a little. My family has always been so big, and it has grown in means of hurt maybe. 

Whatever origin of the word hurt, h__rt

as big my


has become.

So has HIS! I trust His Love, the Greatest, and so should you. He is my Father, my Brother, my Friend, my Counselor, my Doctor, my Psychologist, my Role Model, the Most Beautiful, the Most Adorable. I want to be with Thee again, Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you husband João for taking me onto Communion on the First Friday of the Year. Up to September, sure?


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