sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2019 Family 1998 - Papi Waldir (in the middle - Excel Tables Programmer and Logistic Manager, Maintainance Area =, sister Thamires (curly hair, currently married, mother of a beautiful girl. She works with finances) and me, Thais (white hand made crochê blouse - Brazilians want to teach you the crochê and the fuxico for you to do your crafts) This is my family and my apartment when I was 15. My friends laughed at me when I went to the USA because we were poor. My father worked with the manufacture, maintainance and administration of logistiscs of Billboards around São Paulo, Campinas and Rio de Janeiro, so he had savings, though we lived in the suburbs. Everybody at school wondered why I was going to the USA, if we were trying to hide something wrong that I - or my family - did. When I got there, even some of those "jokers" from Brazil were there, in the same city as I wa
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